Epsilon Epsilon History
The Epsilon Epsilon chapter of Alpha Delta Pi was founded in 1966 at Texas Tech University. Running home to ADPi means joining a sisterhood with true and loyal women. Our colors azure and white represent our chapter’s core values. In ADPi there is always a sister willing to help out and we strive to live out our motto of “We Live For Each Other”. Members can always find a sister to go out with to athletic events, get a late-night treat, attend sisterhood events, or explore Lubbock. Our bonds of sisterhood remain after graduation because being an ADPi is not four years, it is for life.
Alpha Delta Pi History
Alpha Delta Pi holds the distinction of being the first secret society for women and the mother of today’s sorority system. We were founded on May 15, 1851 at Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia upon the principles of scholarship, leadership, service to others, and sisterhood. These values still guide the policies and programs of our sorority today.
Our Symbols
Our Achievements
Our chapter was recognized this past Spring at ADPi Academy in Dallas, Texas for Panhellenic Excellence (2024), Operations Excellence (2024), Marketing Excellence (2024), History Reporting Excellence (2024), Finance Excellence (2024), and Emerging Chapter (2024) awards.
Our chapter placed 3rd for Board and Banner for Texas Tech’s Homecoming in 2023.