Diamond Families

Diamond Families are created in the Fall and Spring semester, where a Delta member will connect with an Alpha member and guide them through the process of being initiated into Alpha Delta Pi. Diamond Families are connections that last a lifetime and are something special that we love about our sisterhood!

Diamond Family Testimonies

Big Little Duo- Izzy & Kaitlyn

Izzy DIckey

“From the moment I joined Alpha Delta Pi, I was so excited to become a big. Thankfully I have been blessed with not only the best little I could have imagined but a best friend. From getting to have her run home to me on bid day, driving to chapters together, a week long sleepover during recruitment and so much more, Kaitlyn and I’s relationship has grown so much over the past year and continues to each day. I couldn’t imagine my life without her in it, as she is always there during the good and bad times and continuously supports and pushes me to be the best version of myself. Although she had only been in my life for a year, I am so grateful in knowing that she will be by my side for the rest of my life. I am eternally grateful for our friendship and thank Alpha Delta Pi everyday for bringing her into my life.”

Kaitlyn Porter

“When I first met Izzy on my bid day, I knew from that moment that I wanted her to be my big. Being from out of state, I was a little nervous and I didn’t know anyone in Texas so I was essentially starting a new chapter in my life. Izzy has always been there for me through everything. My second semester of college was rough and she always managed to put a smile on my face and treat me how a sister should. I cannot imagine my life without her and she has made my life so much more exciting. She will be one of my bridesmaids and long time friend. I can’t wait to see all the other memories that we make.”

Big Little Trio- Camryn, Madison & Kennedy

Camryn Crelia

“Getting my littles was one of my favorite memories in ADPi. Getting to know Kennedy through Primary Recruitment and Madison through Pi Pal dates, I knew that we would all get along and had connections with both of them. Throughout the past two years, we have all bonded and created memories together. I am so excited to be spending my senior year with both of them by my side, and can’t wait to see our family keep growing. Without my Diamond Family, ADPi would have been so different and I feel so lucky to have them both.”

Madison Lutrick

“Having Camryn as my big and Kennedy as my twin has been one of my biggest college blessings. I am so lucky that they are not just my family but also some of my best friends. I feel as though Camryn and I’s big little bond is so special and it is definitely something I will always cherish. Gaining Kennedy as a twin was so exciting and we instantly had such a strong connection and friendship right off the bat. My favorite part of our diamond family bond is how there is never a dull moment and I always feel welcomed with open arms around them. I love you guys <3”

Kennedy Jobe

“When I ran home to Camryn on Bid Day, I knew instantly that we would be best friends. She was there to help guide me through the Alpha process, introduced me to so many friends, and took me on so many adventures. Once I met my future twin, Madison, we clicked immediately and were able to all create such a special bond as a Diamond Family. Now, I get to serve on the Executive Board with Camryn for a second year, and be on the Marketing team with Madison! The family keeps expanding, with my amazing little Alexis and hopefully a g-little this semester. Having a close Diamond Family has made being in ADPi so special, and I can’t wait to make more memories with these women.”