Why ADPi?

Read below about a few of our sister’s Why ADPi’s that include what makes Alpha Delta Pi special to them!

Testimonial from our VP of Membership Experience

Katie Larranaga

“When people ask why I joined a sorority, I often say, "to be a part of something larger than myself." However, my experience has been far more profound than that simple phrase suggests. As a freshman from out of state in the fall of 2022, I was seeking a community of women who would accept me for who I am. From the moment I engaged with Alpha Delta Pi during recruitment, I felt an immediate connection; they embraced me with warmth and understanding. Joining ADPi has not only introduced me to my closest friends, but it has also empowered me to believe in myself and step outside my comfort zone. The bonds I’ve formed here are lifelong, built on shared experiences, support, and encouragement. Through this sisterhood, I have discovered the value of authentic relationships and the strength that comes from being part of a community that lifts each other up. This journey has truly transformed my college experience and shaped the person I am today.”

Why adpi?

Emily Williams

“Going into my second semester at Tech, I felt very alone. I decided to join a sorority to meet people and make more friends and I found that at Alpha Delta Pi. I met so many lovely ladies from ADPi during recruitment and I instantly felt at home. The second I walked into 18 Greek Circle I was instantly greeted by so many kind people, and everything immediately clicked. The women I met would later become some of my closest and best friends. I’m so grateful for the friends ADPi has given me that I know will be in my life for the rest of my life. If I could, I’d choose ADPi again and again!”

Alyssa Cavanaugh

“Joining Alpha Delta Pi has been a loving experience and has shaped my college journey. From the very first time I stepped into the chapter house, I felt an undeniable sense of belonging that was truly indescribable. In ADPi sisterhood goes beyond more than friendships. It’s a support system through the highs and lows. Whether it’s a late night study session, celebrating each other success or simply being there through challenging times, the bond we share is like no other. I’ve formed lifelong friendships that I know will last beyond my college years. Overall, being apart of ADPi has filled my life with unforgettable memories and meaningful experience that has shaped me into a more confident and compassionate individual. I am grateful for the opportunities for personal growth and leadership that this sisterhood has provided. Looking back I can confidently say that choosing Alpha Delta Pi was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, and I can’t wait to see where this journey continues to take me.”

Delta Duos

Karissa & Claire

Karissa Shine

“ADPi has given me countless opportunities and unforgettable experiences, but one I will always treasure is meeting my best friend, Claire! Though we didn’t meet on Bid Day, we quickly bonded through carpooling and attending new member events together. Since then, I’ve found someone I can always rely on—someone who pushes me to be the best version of myself. Whether we’re studying, going for walks, or bonding over our shared music taste, getting to know Claire has been an honor. Without ADPi, our paths may never have crossed, and for that, I am forever grateful.”

Claire laub Tracy

“I am so grateful that ADPi brought me Karissa. Little did I know when I had met her how special she would be to me. She is one of my best friends; I trust her with so much and am so happy that she feels the same. She is always making me laugh, she gets me at a deeper level. I know I can count on her whenever I need her, and she can do the same. I am so thankful for ADPi connecting me to one of the best people in my life.”

Laura + Lauren

Laura Worthington

“Having the opportunity to meet women like my best friend Lauren has truly transformed my college experience. From our late-night sweet treats to spontaneous adventures on weekends, her vibrant energy and unwavering support has made every moment more meaningful. We've shared countless laughs and heartfelt discussions, creating a bond that goes beyond friendship. Lauren has not only enriched my social life but also inspired me to embrace new challenges and opportunities. I'm grateful for the memories we've created together and excited for all that lies ahead in our journey as sisters. I love you Lauren and I am so thankful to ADPi for you.”

Lauren Hosni

“I have met some of my life long friends here in Alpha Delta Pi. One in particular is Laura Worthington. Ever since I met Laura we have been basically inseparable. We got close through our diamond family. We just knew that we would be best friends from the moment we met! I love going to Alpha Delta Pi events with Laura. Some of my favorites are the PR Socials, pajama sisterhoods, and recruitment workshops. We especially enjoy going to Panhellenic givebacks and standing sisterhoods for a fun way to talk while having a sweet treat. I love how I can always count on Laura to be there for me. No matter what it is, I can always call her. We laugh so much when we are together and I never have a dull moment when I have her by my side. We truly do everything together and I cannot wait to keep making memories with her. I have found my future travel buddy, career partner, and bridesmaid that I have the honor of calling a sister. I thank Alpha Delta Pi every day for her. I love you Laura.”